The Regional Business Support Network is proud to feature Canadian...
Read MoreInvest Olds is invested in retaining and expanding our local business community. Invest Olds provides business support services and collaborates with a host of service providers to ensure your needs are addressed. Support services include everything from entrepreneur support, business planning services, financing, training, and more.
Business Link offers a team of in-house small business experts who can help you navigate the process of starting and running a business with free one-on-one advice. Whether you’re just starting out and have no idea what to do next, or you’re an established business owner, our business strategists will help you find the answers to all your questions. If we don’t know the answers, we’ll connect you with someone who does.
Business Development Bank of Canada’s entrepreneurship opportunities for youth.
Assisting young entrepreneurs to get their ideas off the ground, Youth Business offers programs and services that allow them to achieve economic independence, develop self-confidence, and fulfill their goals of self-employment.
Community Futures staff offer a wide variety of business coaching and training services, as well as flexible small business loans. We’re always here for you – no matter what stage your business may be at.
Business link can provide Indigenous entrepreneurs with the help and resources needed to get your business off the ground. No matter what stage of starting a business you’re in, we’re here for you!
We have the resources and tools available to help your small business grow and thrive. Our Indigenous Business Strategists are ready to provide free one-on-one advice and share resources and tools to make your business a success.
While all entrepreneurs face challenges, Business Link acknowledges that immigrants face additional barriers to starting and running a business. That’s why we offer specialized support and resources for aspiring and established immigrant entrepreneurs across Alberta.
Business Link has translated some of our Small Business Guides to Spanish and Mandarin to help you with your small business. Looking for more guides? You can find all of our Small Business Guides in English and French.
Community Futures staff offer a wide variety of business coaching and training services, as well as flexible small business loans. We’re always here for you – no matter what stage your business may be at.
You’re serious about your business idea. You’ve written a business plan and you want to use it to launch or pivot your business. Or maybe you’ll take the plan to a bank or potential business partner. You know your idea is great. But does your business plan communicate that effectively? Work with Business Link expert business strategists to get the advice you need to make your business dreams a reality. Business Link’s business plan review service is designed to make sure your business plan is complete and compelling.
Entrepreneurs create ideas for new products and services all the time. Let’s ensure yours is going places by exploring whether a market exists for your idea and what that market looks like.
Community Futures staff offer a wide variety of business coaching and training services, as well as flexible small business loans. We’re always here for you – no matter what stage your business may be at.
Offers financial and general business assistance for First Nation entrepreneurs on/off reserve
IBC provides direct and indirect financing for Alberta Treaty (First Nation) individuals and groups.
Access commercial debt financing and development of management skills through the Must be a resident of a Metis Settlement or corporation that a Métis settler owns at least 51% of the business.
Find small business tax answers with the business video gallery. Businesses have unique needs, and understanding your tax obligations and how to meet them can be challenging. Access Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) videos and webinars, and their transcripts, to learn more about how to manage your business’s tax affairs at
Business loans, grants, taxes, permits and regulations, intellectual property, business support and how to sell to government.
Find the right programs and services, whether you’re starting out or scaling up.
Canadian Industry Statistics (CIS) analyses industry data on many economic indicators using the most recent data from Statistics Canada. CIS looks at industry trends and financial information, such as GDP, Labour Productivity, Manufacturing and Trade data.
Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) works collaboratively with partners to improve access to high quality services for First Nations, Inuit and Métis. Our vision is to support and empower Indigenous peoples to independently deliver services and address the socio-economic conditions in their communities.
Writing a business plan allows you to think more clearly about what you’re doing and where you are going and prove your investment is viable. It allows you to understand the market you will be competing in, who your competitors, customers, and suppliers are, and where you fit. A plan helps you stay organized and remain on track. Businesses without a plan can easily get off-target, and revenues will suffer as a result. Creating a plan with expense projections, revenue forecasts, and more can help your business remain committed to its long-term goals.
Start first with writing a business plan to prove it will be viable. Then you need to: register a business name; determine how you want to structure your business, a sole proprietorship or corporation and then; complete the permits, regulatory and licensing required. Check out the many free services to assist in this process at Business & Entrepreneur Resources
Selling a business takes time. Proper planning and due diligence is key. Determine what you are hoping to achieve by selling and then get the advice of a professional accountant, lawyer, or financial advisor to assist you in putting a value on your business. It will be important to have all your financial statements updated and current, so you understand everything your business owns such as equipment, inventory and event intellectual property. Any debt or liabilities will be subtracted to get you to a good starting point of understanding what the business is worth. And with enough time and planning, increasing the value of your business can also be a consideration.
4512 46 St, Olds, AB T4H 1R5
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The Regional Business Support Network is proud to feature Canadian...
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