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Mountain View Power

Had enough of those sky-high electricity bills from ENMAX, EPCOR, or Direct Energy? You’re not alone in feeling that way. These major players trap you in their Regulated Rate Option (aka. Rate of Last Resort) with rates and undisclosed charges.

Here’s why it’s time to make a switch:
  • Rising Expenses The “Big 3” recently raised RRO rates by 11 – 13% pushing prices above 12 cents per kWh in July.
  • Flawed System: Our elected representatives have yet to tackle issues like job losses outsourcing hidden charges or price fluctuations. Change might be on the horizon at last!
The Silver Lining; A Promising Tomorrow for Energy

Government Intervention: Minister Neudorf is capping profits for generators. Preventing municipalities from inflating access fees. This move aims to stabilize electricity expenses.

Looking for a power solution?

Look no further, than Mountain View Power! Unlike the big corporations outsourcing jobs, we pride ourselves on being a community retailer. Here’s what makes us stand out:

  1. Affordable Rates:
    We’ve consistently offered rates compared to the RRO helping you save thousands!
  2. Ditch Hidden Fees:
    Unlike the big retailers, we have no hidden fees. What you see is what you pay – clear, upfront pricing.

  3. Support Your Community:
    Mountain View Power is a local company that reinvests 100% of profits back into our communities of the Mountain View region, supporting local initiatives. In the last 18 months, over $208,000.00 was given back to the community and region through Mountain View power grants. And more can be given the more subscribers we have!

Start saving now!

Don't keep paying more than you should! Take charge of your electricity expenses by switching to Mountain View Power today. 

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